Since its release, many studies have been carried out to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive training using commercial or specially-developed applications. Health-related apps make up an important part of this market, and numerous apps have been developed to ‘train’ cognition and challenge the brain, such as the ‘How Old Is Your Brain’ games developed by Dr Kawashima 9 in 2006 which pioneered the arrival of this type of application. In parallel to this rapid growth, the industry of mobile apps is exploding. Over the last decade, the accessibility and use of smartphones and mobile internet has quickly expanded around the globe. Non-pharmacological interventions such as physical exercise and cognitive interventions 7, 8 may offer an alternative to pharmacological intervention in delaying dementia-related functional decline. However, dementia is not considered a normal sequela of aging and prevention should be the key strategy to mitigate the identified risk factors 6. Age is the biggest risk factor for the development of dementia 4, and aging is associated with a decline of cognitive function 5. The economic cost has been estimated at €232 billion for European countries in 2015 and is expected to double by 2040 3. In addition to impacting the patient, dementia also has a significant impact on the family and society in general. As such, the WHO has suggested that preventing cognitive decline and dementia is a global mental health priority. Currently it is estimated that 50 million are living with dementia worldwide and nearly 10 million new cases occur every year, representing a serious public health problem 2. A significant decline in cognitive function, particularly memory, which is an early symptom of dementia, can lead to mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

Clinically, normal healthy aging is associated with some progressive decline in cognitive domains, such as processing speed and executive function. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world population aged over 60 years will have doubled in number by 2050, with an estimated total of 2 billion people 1.