Adding to this the holding of Push to Talk isn't pleasant.

This can be for prolonged periods of time during an encounter where you're pressing around 10-20 different other hotkeys on your keyboard depending on the situation.

Usually one person is the designated raid leader who is calling most of the shots, but sometimes in a raid some other person needs to call something specific to their role. In WoW, you can raid with 10 people, so imagine 10 people in a Discord voice room playing together. But it's not always viable to have Discord in Voice Activity at all times, since if you have more people in the call, the random noises from people accumulate into constant background noise. When gaming, especially with a lot of people, sometimes you get into an intense period in a game when you just need all your keyboard actions to go towards the game, and holding the Push to Talk key can take quite a bit of focus when you're pressing other buttons at the same time. Alternatively, this could be conceived as a "hold mic open" hotkey for Push to Talk mode, where you just press it and it keeps your Push to Talk "pushed", until you press the hotkey again.

Press it again and you're back to Push to Talk. As in you're in Push to Talk, you press your keybind and you suddenly are in Voice activity mode. I'd like to see a keybind option added (not necessarily a default keybind, just the option to bind it) for switching between Push to Talk mode and Voice Activity mode.