Evgeny Zolin has put together a very nice web-navigator for different description logics.In addition to the classical Frame Correspondence, people have also explored extensions of modal logic that can still be simulated by 'basic' modal logic ( here is a survey). The relationships between different modal logics are very thoroughly studied.modal logics are decidable fragments of first-order logic. When showing unit/job/manager properties, show all properties regardless whether they are set or not. There are sixteen stock exchanges in the world that have a market capitalization of over US1 trillion each. a, -all When listing units with list-units, also show inactive units and units which are following other units. Those futures exchanges that also offer trading in securities besides trading in futures contracts are listed both here and in the list of futures exchanges. These sorts of results are usually folklore, e.g. (May 2021) This is a list of major stock exchanges. One of the first things people want to know about a logic is where it stands in relation to first-order logic.There is no "Complexity Zoo" for logic (I wish.) - instead most of these connections are either folklore or in hard-to-find conference papers.

"Īs for the last part of your question, logics are usually classified by their expressivity and complexity. And along with ChrisoLosoph's point, I've gotten a lot of mileage from searching "logic and. I think the search term to use is "non-standard logics". There is also a helpful Wikipedia category that lists some more, but is still incomplete (for instance, it's missing hybrid logic and dynamic epistemic logic). as shown in the following list: listing showing the eight Stack. I have a large detail table for which one column is a foreign key to a list of values/lookup table. On a separate sheet, I have the unique list of persons and I want a formula to list the unique set of sports for each person. There is this webpage by Peter Suber, but it is 20 years out of date (and I personally find it lacking). Each Stack Exchange site has one or more files for it, each of which is.